Dr. Dave Sincoskie是Telecodia(前身是Bell Lab south)副總裁, 做過中華電信顧問也是王金土博士跟我多年的球友 我跟Dave 己有三年沒見面但仍保持email往來 Dave 說他提供了我不少retirement fund (from rounds of golf) !當然是玩笑話而且我原先贏來的over the years也都被他羸回去了
> From: Dave Sincoskie [mailto:dave.sincoskie@gmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:06 AM
> To: David Famolari; Jin-tuu Wang; > YK Fong
> Subject: Fwd: WSJ.com - The Art of Gamesmanship
> At the risk of giving away my deepest golf secrets, I forward you the
> attached article.
> -Dave
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 8:27 AM, 酆哥 yukuo.fong@gmail.co
Hi Dave how is everything going with you? I have moved here nearly
> three years by now. Things are really going O.K. and I am digging it here very much.
> As for the golf, I have not made any swings in years and you know
> what? I don't miss it at all. Dave, I would like to make a serious
> invitation when you drop by next time Please do make a trip to TaiDong and I will surely be
> glad to show you around. Best regards fonger(formerly known as YK)
Dear Fonger,
So, you've become a hippie, and I've become a professor. I guess change is a good thing. It may be a long time before I return to Taiwan again, as I am just an impoverished professor now after making so many contributions to your retirement fund. Life as an international businessman is in the past. Be well, old friend! I'll be certain to look you up if I do have a chance to return to Taiwan.