a pleasant ATV(all terrain vehicle) ride in the morning


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李輝喔煌帶母親,姐姐,姐夫來都蘭玩一天. 星期日底達後僅去了初鹿牧場. 回南八里喝茶四周走走己是傍晚. 星期一吃完了Daya準備好的豊盛素食早餐即出發往泰源方向出遊. 輝煌搭五點的飛機回台北,其他人則坐下午四點的火車返台南.


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我去年賣出的竹筏到現在仍未下海. 我想把它買回來. 最近的天氣極適合乘竹筏到綠島一遊

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I have trouble with the Chinese input devise, so I have to input thru the keyboard.

So got damn glad the presidential election is over after months of unplesant election process. And the result came out  is great. The second generation mainland China immigrant Ma In Chiu had landslide victory over the so called Taiwannese native presidential candidate Mr.Shie. ---我圯把中文救回來了

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