

一家三口來草堂住三晚, 第一晚在台東市"正海城"吃酸菜白肉鍋, 飯後還特地去買了有名的"寶桑湯圓"   可能因睡的晚, 他們十五歲的兒子第二天早上起不來

小陸 got up early and was shooting pictures already


Stella was also up early and watching the DuLan bay in front of  the room they stayed

After eating breakfast, we left 草堂, this was our first stop

It's a bit cloudy this morning


visiting "水望上流"

左一   賣鳳梨的老板當被問為什么水住上流時    他說:台東的水質好, 人品好, 不敢下流, 只會上流

真是號人物, 不是嗎?





Stella with her husband and son 在有冷氣的南八里話家常(草堂是茅草屋, 沒冷氣呦!

the bishopwood and pool at NanBaLi minsu

中午在都蘭隨便吃了個中飯. 因天氣炎熱下午在草堂休息 晚上 , we tried out the Skyscout(a newly bought star obersevatory equipment) in a starry night with no light pollution  It's  a wonderful experience

On the 3rd day

第一站  泰源的登仙橋







台23線上的東河休閒農場  the highest peak in the background is the Mt.DuLan


parking lot 旁的三角眉


tea table (with 女主人)


中午在泰源吃山產 飯後到

東河新, 舊橋



陸連島, 金樽沙灘等地參觀


返草堂後, 坐高爾夫球車及500cc ATV到五線第一景------振田 拍照



三天一晃就過去了, 好像什么都沒做, 什么地方都沒去  good time surely fly  第四天清早就要返台北了

there are still many things they wanted to do like swimming in 新蘭harbor and
活水湖, riding ATV on beach, treking in Mt.DuLan, visiting aboriginal tribe and experiencing early aboriginal living in 利吉惡地, attending Saturday night music gathering, sightseeing and many other things. But due to the time constrain, they will just have to wait till next time---- 

DuLan is a place you can just sit back, relax and let Time do everything for you

I am terriblely sorry to say I had to write this almost completely in English.  My Chinese input pad went wrong again


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