
        One of the last things I want while travelling is to feel like a tourist.  Here in Dou-Lan with YK Fong, I feel like I'm seeing things like a very lucky local.  On the first afternoon, we acquainted ourselves with the hill house- the "Chill Out Elite"- and the panoramic view of the Pacific ocean, the bay, the surrounding mountains and the distant Green Island.  It is the perfect place to string up a hammock and relax.  After properly doing nothing for some time, we jumped on YK's Atvs and rode on back mountain roads, from scenic spot to scenic spot, although everything in between was just as beautiful.  The mountain is laden with lush greenery, fruit trees by the side of the road literally dripping with ripe fruit, bamboo, flowers, and leaves in crazy shapes I've never seen before.
       Dinner was at a family's restaurant- friends of YK- just joining in their meal.  Despite having tried many a Taiwanese dish, there were quite a few things I'd never seen before.  When I heard YK order 30 gyozas, there was no question of wether or not i'd be satisfied.  We sat around a dinky table with a couple of older men- deeply tanned fishermen with large glasses of homemade 80 proof rice wine. According to them, they wouldn't be drunk even after three of those large glasses. We turned in early that night after watching a beautiful sunset from the front of the hill house.
       We left the house early the next morning- around 5:30- and went down to YK's fishing boat, met up with one of the men from dinner the night before, and were the first to ride as non-crew civilians on Fong Brother Number 2.  The waves were a bit choppy from the season's strong northeasterly winds, but watching the sun rise from out on the water and looking back at the mountains, spotting the hill house way in the distance, it was definately worth it.
       The day consisted of a long Atv ride with 7 people on 4 Atvs.  More fun with more people. We started with a ride down a long, gorgeous stretch of sand, steering in and out of the waves, down to this rocky peninsula.  From there it was into the mountains, with random stops at YK's friends spot, everyone with a different treat to offer- sometimes sesame covered cake, freshly caught crab, plum juice, or brewed on the spot tea. A few things I learned about these Atv trips: the strength of the sun sneaks up on you- i came away a fierce sunburn, and it's more fun to drive like someone is chasing you. It was quite a sensory overload.  There was so much to take in- monkeys, eagles, butterflies as big as birds, and more mountain roads that one day can hold. For most of the day, we were the only motorists we saw. 
       Today was wandering around YK's big house.  Pictures and paintings on the walls seem redundant as the huge windows in the front of the house frame ever changing views of the hillside and ocean.  A walk around the grounds results in an armload of fruit.  Coconuts, papayas, avocadoes, mangoes, and citrus all have their place here.  This is truly a place where I can relax and enjoy myself in a natural and non-manufactured setting.

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